Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm dubious about windfall profits taxes

And so is Powerline. Here is John Hinderaker's excellent post on the Senate's blocking cloture vote of the WPT. Sens. Obama, Clinton and McCain were all absent.

"Our oil companies control tiny amounts of petroleum (relative to the world's big players) because they are shackled by Congress, which prohibits them by law from accessing America's abundant petroleum reserves. If you want gasoline prices to come down, write, call and email your Congressman and Senators and tell them to allow the oil companies to do what only they can do: bring us more oil."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a horrible idea! Hello? Global climate change! Armageddon! Anything that keeps oil unfavorable as a fuel source right now is a good thing. Am I missing something...?