Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Obama's international stature

It's safe to say that the Senator is more popular overseas than at home. Columnists all over the world, like Dr. Sylvester Odion-Akhaine (writing in The Guardian, printed in Lagos), are hanging an awful lot of symbolism on Sen. Obama's candidacy.

"It will applaud the Statue of Liberty and underline U.S. as the bastion of freedom and racial equality despite its abiding contradictions. This is the meaning of Obama's victory. It is left for Americans to choose between 'fear and faith' on one hand and freedom and equality on the other."

There are those, such as Instapundit, who believe that Sen. Obama's international popularity is somehow a sign that he should be unpopular at home. If I live to be a thousand I don't think I will understand that logic.

UPDATE - The link to the Nigerian's column is dead for some reason. I admit I'm something of a neophyte at this. If interested, just google his name along with 'the meaning of Obama's victory' and I'm sure the full story will come up.

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